As part of Opportunity Now’s mission to mentor, support, and engage the youth within our communities, our Adult Services and Youth Services divisions have partnered together to emphasize the importance of making positive life choices.
At Pathways Learning Center, our team assists young people in navigating life’s challenges, finding appropriate coping methods and solutions, and paving the way for them to stay on the right path forward. Our diversion programs offer participants the opportunity to actively take preventative measures and control the narrative of their future.
Our criminal justice re-entry programs offer incarcerated citizens a second chance to learn from their past mistakes and develop better behavioral techniques, understanding, and strategies for risk prevention. Our goal is to reduce the recidivism rate of these criminal populations by restoring their hope, faith, positivity, and aspirations, and prepare them for success upon their return to society.
Upon successful completion from our re-entry program, Opportunity Now continues to assist graduates with job placement and coaching, work readiness, resume building and more.

We're proud of our graduates! Read more full stories below…

Our results our more than numbers. Our services impact individuals and communities.
Successful Job Placement Rate
Current Consumers
Recidivism Rate
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Do good for others while doing good for yourself with Opportunity Now and XP Synergy Companies. Apply to be a part of a dynamic rapidly growing company where EVERY person we touch matters. We accomplish helping people through multimedia creative services and self-efficiency community programs.
XP Synergy has a passion for helping people tell their stories, achieve their goals, and establish new dreams and goals. If you are the right person for this amazing company then apply to the job opening that best fits you.