Adult Services Success Story

Holly’s Success Story
Holly’s disabilities are not obvious. As a baby, she suffered a traumatic brain injury and almost died. Her daily struggles with forgetfulness, anxiety, change, and self-doubt are not obvious just by looking at her. As a result, she needs a lot of support.
Job coaching provided Holly with exactly what she needed to become self-sufficient. She learned valuable skills that helped her obtain a job. Our ongoing support allows her employer to understand the special skill set needed to best work with Holly.
Her employer grew to understand that Holly can be forgetful, she doubts herself easily, becomes overwhelmed, has panic attacks, does not handle change well, needs extra time to learn, and she needs a lot of reassurance. Sometimes she has a bad attitude and does not even realize it. What some see as a challenge, we view as an opportunity. We work with Holly and her employer to remove barriers that prevent progress and positive change. Holly has successfully maintained employment at Thibodaux Regional Medical Center for the past several months.
Our results our more than numbers. Our services impact individuals and communities.
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