Opportunity Now is more than a slogan or an individual campaign. We are a movement. We believe that everyone deserves the chance to pursue and achieve their dreams.
Since 2014, Opportunity Now has always focused on helping individuals to become and maintain self-sufficiency. We empower individuals to achieve their highest potential by providing resources for personal, social, and professional growth. These resources include education, training, skills development, mentoring, counseling, employment placement, charitable contributions and involvement. With the resources provided, we give everyone the opportunity to be successful.

Introduction to Opportunity Now Adult Services:
Opportunity Now’s Adult Services division is compiled of team members that work tirelessly to ensure that individuals who have barriers to employment are able to successfully overcome those barriers and become self-sufficient. The division consists of coordinators, specialists, case managers and instructors that work in collaboration to achieve this mission.

Introduction to Opportunity Now Youth Services:
Opportunity Now Youth Services provides instruction and training on skills that lead to post-secondary success and self-sufficiency for students with disabilities. We provide federally mandated Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) with a focus on five core categories: work readiness, self-advocacy, post-secondary training, career exploration, and work-based learning experiences. We provide these services in various schools and regions across Louisiana and Texas in partnership with Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS) and Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).