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Let Opportunity Now Help Your School District Meet Your Strong Start 2020 Needs

Opportunity Now is an approved Louisiana Department of Education vendor for the Strong Start 2020 funding.

Opportunity Now has the infrastructure to provide services across Louisiana.

Opportunity Now can assist with providing extra support for students with the greatest needs while also helping your current and future graduates enter the new economy

Opportunity Now Strong Start 2020 Services include:

  • Support for Students with Diverse Needs
  • Assistance with Core Academic Priorities
    • Assistance with tracking graduates in both the jumpstart and college pathways
    • Providing work readiness and life skills training
    • Providing training on post-secondary educational opportunities
    • Career exploration and support
    • Mentoring and case management
    • Assistance with employment placement

 Opportunity Now can provide Strong Start 2020 services via:

  • Embedded classroom training
  • Community based environments
  • Distant learning platform

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Click here to view Louisiana’s Strong Start 2020 Guide


School systems have a coherent academic foundation including a plan for high-quality curriculum, assessment, and teacher professional development across all grade levels and core content areas. This includes a plan for ensuring students have access to individual student graduation planning services, quality TOPS University and Jump Start diploma pathways, and college and career transitional supports.


School systems address the unique needs of all students including English Learners (ELs) and students with disabilities. This includes a plan for early and accurate identification, high-quality and aligned instruction, specialized supports, and coordinated transitions. Schools also focus on creating and maintaining a learning environment that develops social, emotional, and academic skills.

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